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Tell us something about yourself.
My name is Mannat Goel and I hail from the capital city Delhi. I am a student of MBA entrepreneurship and I am also an aspiring blogger.

Where do you see yourself after the next 20 years?
I am an entrepreneur as well as a fashion influencer. I always wanted to be a successful influencer for which I am trying my level best. In future, I want to see myself as a successful woman.

How did your journey begin?
I started my journey in 2019 and at that time I was an introvert, I am very blessed to have people in my life who always support me and have my back. Fashion, beauty and lifestyle were always my centres of interest.

What were some of the battles you fought and are still fighting in your journey?
I believe criticism and body shaming is what we can expect from this profession, I remember initially these criticism used to affect my mental health drastically. But with time I learned to grow with it.

Talk to us about your achievements.
I believe in self-confidence. People around me saw a major change in my personality overall that too in a positive sense. I was an introvert but my profession has changed all of that.

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