Sunday, June, 23,2024

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Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama mourns demise of Queen Elizabeth II

Dharamsala: Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama on Friday condoled the death of the longest-serving monarch of Britain, Queen Elizabeth II, according to an official statement released by the Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
The Tibetan spiritual leader wrote to His Majesty King Charles III and expressed his condolences to the Royal family. He added that the Queen's reign represented celebration and was very inspiring.
"I remember seeing photographs of her coronation in magazines when I was young in Tibet," His Holiness wrote. "Her reign, as Britain's longest-serving monarch, represented celebration, inspiration and a reassuring sense of continuity for many people alive today.
"Your mother lived a meaningful life with dignity, grace, a strong sense of service and a warm heart, qualities we all should treasure," he wrote to His Majesty King Charles, offering heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom.
Condolences from world leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi poured in on social media after Britain's Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday.
Taking to Twitter, the Prime Minister recalled his memorable meetings with the Queen during his UK visits in 2015 and 2018. "I will never forget her warmth and kindness. During one of the meetings, she showed me the handkerchief Mahatma Gandhi gifted her on her wedding. I will always cherish that gesture," PM Modi tweeted.
The Prime Minister said Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered as a stalwart of our times.
US President Joe Biden on Friday mourned the death of the longest-serving monarch of the UK, Queen Elizabeth II, saying that "the thoughts and prayers of people all across the United States are with the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in their grief."
Australian President Anthony Albanese in a statement said that the Government and the people of Australia offer deepest condolences to the Royal Family, "who are grieving for a beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother-the person whom for so long was their greatest inner strength."
"Australian hearts go out to the people of the United Kingdom who mourn today, knowing they will feel they have lost part of what makes their nation whole," Albanese said.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern also announced that the flags will fly at half-mast to mark Queen's death. (ANI)

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