Sunday, June, 30,2024

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Will hold countrywide protest against ED on July 21: Jatav

Jaipur: After Rahul Gandhi, Cabinet Minister Bhajan Lal Jatav has targeted the Modi government regarding ED’s action on Congress president Sonia Gandhi. Jatav, while interacting with the media during a public hearing at the State Congress Headquarters on Tuesday, said that the Modi government was misusing the Central agencies.

Jatav said that the Central government first harassed Rahul Gandhi through ED and is now after Sonia Gandhi. “This is not right. We condemn it and will protest against it on July 21 across the country, including Jaipur. Jatav alleged that the Central government, through the ED, worked to topple the elected government of Maharashtra. ED notices were sent to a dozen ministers of Maharashtra government.

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