Sunday, September, 29,2024

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The authors assert that Narendra Modi has always transcended the typical image of a Prime Minister of India. His exceptional charisma enables him to forge deep connections with ordinary citizens, effortlessly conversing in their vernacular. They felt a profound sense of camaraderie with him. His genuine care for all, treating each individual with equal consideration sets him apart

‘How can such a tall leader be so friendly’ - Jackie Shroff, Actor

I remember first meeting honourable Narendra Modi ji way back in 2012. He was still serving as the chief minister of Gujarat then. I was taken there (to Ahmedabad) by someone for a discussion with him on a proposed film city project in the state capital. I was told that I would need to wait outside at the CM’s office before getting entry to his chamber and also warned that the CM won’t be able to give much time as there was an immense workload and he was super busy. Surprisingly, when I was at his office, we didn’t even have to wait outside and Modi ji called us in immediately. And unbelievably, despite all that I had heard, he was so friendly and homely with us that I felt I was chatting up with some long-time bhidu (friend). The conversations were very normal and it never seemed to me we were talking to the chief minister, he was so easygoing and affable. Then he showed us a book on Rann of Kutch and suggested it was an ideal location for film shootings and he wanted to boost its prospects. In between he kept talking about how I was doing, what was happening in my life and things like that, which created an atmosphere of memorable camaraderie. I felt as if I knew him for years, though it was our first meeting and that too on an official business. Many years later, when he had become the PM of the country, he invited several actors from Bollywood for an evening treat at his official residence in Delhi and then again I had the opportunity of catching up with him. He shook hands with me and asked me in Gujarati, how I was doing. I forgot for the moment that I was an actor and he never gave me the impression that he was the PM of India. Such is his charisma. He can come down to the level of the common man and converse with him in the same parlance. I found a great friend in him.

Modi ji’s chocolate strategy to boost nutrition in children - Sanjiv Mehta, Ex-vice chairman, Gujarat Yuvak Board

The government’s mid-day meal scheme was running successfully in Gujarat schools. But Modi ji’s mind was filled with ideas on how to give it a more modern makeover, make it more hygienic and more systematic. Then he sought to identify those countries of the world that had the best school mid-day meal system in place, that could be emulated by Gujarat for better results. He located from his own experiences during his earlier trips that Japan had a very robust and well-structured mid-day meal scheme in place. He soon formed a delegation to conduct research in Japan and bring the salient points from there which could be replicated in the state for a better education setup. I too had the opportunity to be a part of that delegation. When 8-9 members of the delegation returned from the country and reported back to CM Modi, he gave a patient hearing of over an hour to understand the nitty-gritty of the process adopted by the Japanese and their feasibility back home. We reported that no one touched the meal in Japanese schools till the time it was served on the plates of the children. Everything was cooked and processed in a mechanised way. The meals were served by the staff wearing gloves. After hearing everything, he asked us, tell me, is there something that is specifically provided to enhance the nutrition of the kids? We were surprised by the bouncer of a question from Modi ji. He then told us, see, I tell you a simple solution. Children like chocolates, right? Why can’t we give chocolates infused with vitamins, maybe 2-3 times a week, so that the nutritional deficiencies in them could be addressed? The idea struck brilliant to us. From that day, the tradition of providing chocolates to children in mid-day meals continues in Gujarat and is celebrated by all as a very strategic move to boost the nutrition of children in the state.

‘Will never forget Narendra bhai’s care during a tough phase of my life’ - Anuradha Paudwal, Singer

Owing to his empathetic nature, despite his demanding schedule, PM Modi stays connected to those he knows and remains informed about their personal problems. I first met him when he was the CM of Gujarat. Even at the first meeting, his vibe was so friendly that I felt I was talking to some close family member of mine. He struck to us as a very humble, down-toearth person and most importantly very casual in his conversation, shorn of all the airs of being the CM of a state. He made us feel that he was one of us and not a VIP. Then came his stupendous victory in 2014 that catapulted him into a global leader. I was going through a tough phase of lots of personal problems in my life but still, I felt deep inside that I must go and congratulate him on becoming the PM of the country as I was genuinely happy for him. When I went to meet him I was falling short of words. Narendra bhai was crowded by people around him. But just as he saw me, he rushed to my side and conversed with me privately, leaving everything and everyone behind. And the first question he asked me was if the problems in my family had been sorted. I was literally in tears that a person, despite just reaching the sky, was still so grounded that he remembered me, and my family issues and was concerned about them. This enhanced my respect for him and I told him you are really my elder brother to have asked me of my welfare with such genuine concern. You will be the first person to know once I am out of the difficulties. He takes care of everyone, like his very own, no matter how small the person is. This only goes to show he is a man of a pure heart.

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