Wednesday, September, 25,2024

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Importance of Value

Have you noticed that the word “value” has become such a buzzword of the 21st century! Anytime you go on Google, you witness some marketing maven, company, blog post or an industry guru, whipping out this word and emphasizing how important it is to “create value.”

We are indeed overusing the word and it’s confusing people, especially the young generation. They use “Value” in their banter with such ubiquity that it hardly has any meaning left.

In my 20+ years of experience, I have seen many Leaders and marketing/sales professionals attend hyped webinars or a conference to only realize that they have NO clue of what it is, why they are supposed to offer it, and how to measure it!

I often see baffled, foiled, inept people scratching their heads and saying;

“Hey, where do I find VALUE?”

As if it is a treasure hunt! Let’s start making more effort in talking about what it is and how to provide it. In my opinion, VALUE as a word doesn’t mean anything.

It is a placeholder, a catchphrase for something that is dynamic, contextual and requires an acknowledgment from others. So when we bring up this word in our conversations, we’re not offering much insight.

VALUE for one person is different for another and changes from a product to a service to an idea and an offer. Please understand, VALUE isn’t a thing; it’s an AGREEMENT.

Identifying value starts with looking outward. It begins with a comprehensive understanding of the other person, group, or company you’re looking to collaborate with.

Creating VALUE requires empathy and has a deep connotation with considering other person’s goals and objectives.

Being able to solve, minimize and eradicate the pain points of your team and your customer is critical to defining your VALUE.

Mostly the choice is between whether you can position yourself as an asset or as a tool in someone’s efforts to improve their world. Creating value is easy when it is intrinsic.

For example, materialistic acquisitions such as money, gold, stocks, etc. have an intrinsic value and therefore it’s easier for the market to put a price on it.

However, in the world of sales, it is not so easy…Puzzling questions like, What is the value of 60 minutes of someone’s time?

How do you measure the value of content writers? Why should we pay a certain amount to some trainers when there are others available for much less?

Determining the value of these things makes the task even more difficult. In simple terms, value is being seen as worth something; time, money, commitment, support, etc. When you expect to achieve something in return, you’re headed in the right direction.

The more someone will give you for what you are offering, the more VALUE you are providing, but it can only be established by your power of conviction.

VALUES are significant in our lives because they help us grow and develop. They create a road map for the future we want to experience.

Through hundreds of decisions that we make every day, we direct ourselves towards a specific purpose. Let me share a high-level overview of the four kinds of values that we all imbibe: INDIVIDUAL VALUES

They are reflected in how you show up in your life and the principles you live by! Outlining the importance of what you consider important for your self-interest and display enthusiasm, creativity, and humility.


These are reflected in how you relate to other people in your life! Be it friends, family, or colleagues in your organization, they include openness, trust, generosity, and caring.


These are reflected in how the organisation operates in the world. They include financial growth, strategic alliances, human resources and social capital.


Societal values include future generations, environmental awareness, ecology, sustainability, and how you relate to your socio–economic status.

When the above values are shared, they build a strong backbone that provides immense opportunities to internal as well as external stakeholders.

The true WIN is actually in knowing more about what it is and how to create it rather than negotiating under false pretexts. Let’s glide into the holiday season with a profound understanding and consideration.

Thank you for reading this and hope it provided VALUE on your time.


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