Monday, June, 24,2024

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Her Wings Unfolded!

If designers are counting on dazzle for the evening, they are even more certain that plumage is perfect for daily life. One of the most remarkable biological features discovered in animals is their feathers. These keratin-based evolutionary add-ons let birds fly, protect themselves, stay warm, and communicate. Beyond aviary animals, it is the dynamic and diverse beauty of feathers that has captured the attention of the globe; for millennia, people have used feathers as fashion accessories. However, the history of feathers has gradually changed from one that depicts local cultures and historical eras to one that questions the development of sustainability in fashion. With our evolutionary cousins the Neanderthals, who lived circa 60 B.C., feathers were first used as sartorial ornamentation. According to scientific research, Neanderthals preferred to wear the darker feathers of raptors. Ostrich feathers were later worn in the hair of high-ranking ancient Egyptians as a sign of devotion to Ma’at, the goddess of truth and b a l a n c e , who was pictured with wings and a single feather on her head. Ancient tribes throughout the world saw the practice of adorning the body with natural materials like feathers, pelts, and leaves as a means to pay tribute to the land’s protective properties.

This season, feathers are added to almost every casual piece of clothing, from cute cardigan collars and cuffs to sweatshirt sleeves, leggings, and tshirts. Wide-leg jeans and cable knit sweaters are also embellished with the material. Even yet, if wearing feathers still seems a little bold to you, Monsoon Season is a great opportunity to treat yourself to stunning feather attire. Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings. And that is why we have brought this style of fashion to lift up your spirit because ‘You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?’

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