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The world would be a rather scary place without empaths. Without people who can feel and understand the emotions of others, chaos and disorder might spread quickly. We need more people who can feel and understand the suffering of others. We also need people to learn the value of putting themselves in other people’s shoes. While empathy is a gift that some are born with, it can also be learned. City First brings to you an Empathetic Soul Divyun Nanda and her inspiring journey.

When asked to describe herself the diva replied, “I describe myself as a genuine and unpretentious Empathetic Soul.”

Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Talking about some of the vital skills required to be in the social media industry she said, “According to me creativity, passion, authenticity, consistency and management are the most vital skills. Without any of these, it is hard to survive the cutthroat competition.

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, inspiration and hard work. Talking about her journey the beauty replied, “My journey as an influencer started almost six to seven years ago. People recognised my work and I started getting offers from big brands to promote their products. It was not something I had planned because my studies were my first priority.

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of selfsatisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. When you’re surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment to a common purpose, anything is possible. Describing the most memorable moment she replied, “I like it when my friends call me up to praise me for the work I do and when I become a source of inspiration for them. Being called as a judge for a renowned show was a big achievement for me. Making my parents proud and having their support throughout my journey will always be the most rewarding moment.”

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