Wednesday, May, 15,2024

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With shrinking social relations and circumscribed free time in a world where we forget to click mindfully, we end up having more screen time than recommended by mental and physical health experts around the globe. As the health advisory eulogizes the healthy intake of calories, the mental health advisory applauds a chipper number of screen hours which unfortunately we are finding ourselves incapable to follow.

For many people, being connected and immersed in the digital world is just a part of everyday life. A potential number of our peers are spending an average of 10 hours on a device connected to the internet. In some situations, you might even feel like you are addicted to your devices. While technology addiction is not formally recognized as a disorder, many experts believe that tech and device overuse represents a very real behavioural addiction that can lead to a physical, psychological, and social problems.

This is a similar scenario of someone in taking an unhealthy number of calories and ending up with obese weight gain. We are consuming more digital content than we should. So are we a transient generation of digitally obese people? Finding this answer is not a massive challenge. We observe that the global dialogue is engrossed in discussing the environmental problems that can endanger our resources for future generation and see it as an immediate threat on the other hand many of the future generation kids have an electronic baby-sitter from birth onward. This means that on average a child has very less time outdoors. Leaving him very little choice in hand to notice and understand the natural surroundings. Are not these children growing up in an environment of unconscious living? That child will develop no tolerance towards frustration and would not know how to handle the real issues of life. For him, the second life is already created virtually where the wishful world exists. This child is consuming more screen time than he/she should be. As a parent and guardians, we find ourselves powerless to control the latitude. Avoiding technological devices comprehensively might not be a practical take as our dependency on the devices has increased in the last years from doing reservations to doing simple payments. It has also created a market where easy money goes in hand with easy content which is very impressive for the generation that hardly knows the real social setup. Web surfing is controlling and can be compulsive. The Elderly generation is an example while they use internet surfing as a utility not as an addiction. The current generation finds a home in the virtual world, calling it “my space. „They have no idea what the offline life of their friends looks like. It is high time that we prioritize our mental health as well. A conscious mind is a mind that does not dwell on comparisons but rather focuses on one’s self. Indulging in a virtual world leads us to a constant comparison with the world around us that minimizes our strengths. Digital media is designed to get us hooked up with it and craft an image of ourselves. We are more comfortable with the screen than the real person in front of us. This is a dangerous situation, especially for the youth. Focusing on the real side we can begin with a mini detoxifying from these devices, maybe a day a week!

From that daily resolution of doing it from today to procrastinating it to tomorrow our digital fasting is becoming our deadpan new era challenge. A digital detox refers to a period of time when a person refrains from using tech devices such as smartphones, televisions, computers, tablets, and social media sites. “Detoxing” from digital devices is often seen as a way to focus on real-life social interactions without distractions. Or getting back to yourself and seeking that inner connection that went missing in the last decade. By evading digital devices, at least temporarily, people can let go of the stress that stems from constant connectivity.

We all need that day offline and let that fear go that we would miss the update from the acquaintance. We need to read a book, pick that lost hobby, and breath in real air. We need to feel that amazing sense of freedom. Boredom is awesome when we do something creative with it. It is intense to be connected with people in your real life not in your virtual world. We can attempt to change our circumstances and dictate internet what we want from it, taking charge of our lives. Offline experiences can be as beautiful and fulfilling. Collaboration and connections are enriching if made in real life and could be more lasting too.


DR JYOTI JOSHI The writer is a soft skill, yoga trainer, business coach and English language instructor in Germany, Europe

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