Friday, June, 14,2024

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Relocation of Deori village in Sariska to start soon

Jaipur: In Sariska, which had become devoid of tigers a few years back, the roar of tigers is now being heard again. The relocation of villages from the tiger refuge is the result that the population of tigers in Sariska has also increased and the eco system is also getting stronger.

In just two and a half years, 3 villages have been relocated. Deori village will be relocated from January 15 and 2 villages have given consent for relocation. While only 3 villages could be displaced from Sariska in the last 3 decades.

The villages in the core area of Sariska have been the biggest threat to the forest and wildlife. When Sariska became tigerless about a decade and a half ago, the biggest reason behind it was the villages settled here. The Forest Department made efforts to relocate the villages, but there was no strong will power behind them, this is the reason that in the last decade and a half, or rather till the year 2020, only three villages could be displaced from Sariska.

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