Friday, June, 07,2024

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Lord Mahavir’s teachings still relevant: Guv

Jaipur: Governor Kalraj Mishra while inaugurating the ‘Bhagwan Mahavir Nirvanaotsav Ahimsa Rath’ Yatra said that Lord Mahavir was great and his teachings are relevant even today. The Governor was addressing the ‘Ahimsa Rath Pravartan’ programme organised by Bhagwan Mahavir 2550th Nirvanaotsav Samiti at Bhattarak ji’s Nasiya in Narayan Singh Circle on Sunday. Mishra said that Lord Mahavira chose the path of self-welfare, leaving his kingdom and glory. “He introduced the basic Panchsheel principles like Satya, Ahimsa, Aparigraha, Achaurya and Brahmacharya. He gave a message to others that whatever one expects from others, they should first follow it.” The Governor said that the characteristics of religion have been mentioned in Manusmriti. “These are patience, forgiveness, selfcontrol, not stealing, defecation or cleanliness, control of the senses like intellect, learning, truth and not getting angry. We must follow them.”

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