Monday, June, 24,2024

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Create awareness of State Govt schemes: CM

Jaipur: CM Bhajan Lal Sharma on Tuesday held various meetings including review of the Energy Department and the review meeting on the budget announcement 2024- 25 & 10-day action plan. The meetings were held at the Chief Minister’s Office. Sharma said that for strengthening the power system in the state, the MoUs signed with various power corporations and central undertakings should be completed in a time bound manner so that the general public can get uninterrupted power supply. He said there should be wide publicity of departmental schemes so that public, farmers and entrepreneurs can get the benefits. In the review meeting on the budget announcement 2024-25 (account-grant), 100-day action plan and implementation of the announcements made by him Sharma fixed the deadline for the announcements remaining in the account-grant and directed the officers to complete them. “Our government is formulating policies and programs by thinking first about the person sitting at the last end,” he said and directed officers to complete the announcements and goals of govt within the stipulated time.

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