Monday, June, 24,2024

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Guv to attend Haridev Joshi Univ’s convocation

Jaipur: The convocation ceremony at Haridev Joshi University is confirmed to be held on June 29. The ceremony is likely to take place at the poddar auditorium.

Governor Kalraj Mishra will honor the occasion as the chief guest and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Sudhi Rajeev will also be present, underscoring the importance of this milestone for the university and its students. The event will see approximately 94-95 students receiving their degrees from the chief guest, marking the culmination of their hard work and dedication.

Each student’s achievement will be celebrated, making it a memorable day for all involved. The coordination of ceremony will be overseen by Dr. Ratan Singh Shekhawat, ensuring that event runs smoothly and efficiently.

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