Saturday, September, 28,2024

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Raj Govt Departments delay prosecution sanctions against corrupt officials despite ACB investigations

Jaipur: Despite the State Government’s commitment to a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, bureaucratic red tape continues to shield corrupt officers and employees. Various departments have pending prosecution approvals from the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), shedding light on numerous cases involving millions in kickbacks in scandals like mining fraud, NRHM tenders, and massive bribery in the Water Department.

The government remains deeply concerned about the rapid rise in corruption cases across the state. The Anti-Corruption Bureau has exposed cases where officials have allegedly taken bribes worth lakhs, tarnishing the government’s image. However, approval for prosecution against these corrupt elements has been delayed, causing frustration even within the ACB.

Several departments are reportedly protecting their own officials implicated in corruption scandals, further complicating the matter. These departments are accused of compromising the state’s integrity by sheltering corrupt officials and employees involved in various scams. Many of these cases have been pending since 2011, hindering the progress of prosecution approvals. The ACB has forwarded these cases back to the respective departments for consideration, hoping for decisive action.

Since Dr Ravi Prakash Meharda took charge as the new head of the ACB, there is optimism that departments may finally act against these corrupt officials. However, the dept itself has halted prosecution approvals to protect corrupt officials, leading to a surge in pending cases. These depts caught in scandals are tarnishing the reputation of the government by defending corrupt officers and employees.

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