Monday, June, 24,2024

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False ceiling collapses at Kota’s JK Lone Hosp

Kota: False ceiling at Kota’s Mother and Child Hospital JK Lone’s IPD building collapsed on Saturday. The incident happened around 1 pm. The relatives of the patients were sitting on benches in the gallery of the third floor.

Suddenly, a part of the false ceiling broke and fell from the middle. However, no one was hurt. On learning about the incident, the officials reached the spot while the engineer of Nagar Vikas Nyas was also informed. There are 183 pediatric beds in this IPD building. This is not the first incident of false ceiling breaking in the new building.

Last year, during the rainy season, a piece of the false ceiling fell on the third floor itself due to which the third floor was filled with rainwater. Water even entered the gallery and the lift.

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