Monday, June, 24,2024

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BSF tirelessly fulfilling duties despite harsh conditions: VP

Jaisalmer: Praising the bravery of BSF troops, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday said the paramilitary force’s personnel tirelessly fulfill their duties despite harsh conditions on the country’s borders.

Addressing personnel of BSF at a function here in Rajasthan, he also lauded the force’s dedication across diverse terrains, from towering Himalayas to the arid expanse of the Thar desert, the dense forests of the northeast, and the marshy Rann of Kutch.

“Our nation has achieved remarkable feats- aircraft carrier Vikrant, frigates, Tejas aircraft were all indigenously made,” Dhankhar said. He further also expressed his pride in the BSF’s status as the largest border-guarding force of the world.

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