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With 'Mehndi Wala Ghar', Sony Entertainment Television brings viewers a moving saga of a close-knit family and its changing dynamics

The show premieres on 23rd January and will air every Monday to Friday at 9:30 PM ~

Press Release
Mumbai, 17 January 2024

Bringing to the fore stories that hold mass appeal, Sony Entertainment Television presents viewers with a heartwarming family drama, 'Mehndi Wala Ghar'. In India, a joint family still plays a big role in the fabric of our society and this show puts the spotlight on the Agrawal family, residing in the vibrant city of Ujjain and pure Ujjain mein, Agrawal Sadan, “Mehndi Wala Ghar” ke naam se jaana jaata hain. 

Reflecting the joy, laughter, and a sense of togetherness that is fostered in this environment, Mehndi Wala Ghar also explores the consequences of drifting away from these cherished bonds, in the name of individualism and modernization, as is the case with the Agrawals who used to live by their motto, "A family that eats together, prays together, stays together!". Circumstances have led this large family to break away from each other and led by the remarkable performance of Shruti Anand as Mauli, the narrative delves into the resilient spirit of this woman who is determined to reunite the fractured ties within the Agarwal household.

Boasting an ensemble cast of actors like Shehzad Shaikh, Vibha Chibber, Kanwarjit Paintal, Karan Mehra, Ravi Gossain, Rushad Rana, Arpit Kapoor, Aastha Choudhary, Gunn Kansara, Ushma Rathod, Khalida Jan, and Reema Vohra amongst others, this story intricately weaves the fabric of familial bonds. The Agrawal family and their ancestral home are sure to resonate with the viewers because of its relatable depiction of varied characters that one finds in a tightly knit household – be it the strict matriarch, the loving grandfather, the dutiful elder brother, the eager-to-please bahu or fun-loving cousins. 

‘Mehndi Wala Ghar’ launches on 23rd January 2024, and will air every Monday to Friday at 9:30 PM, exclusively on Sony Entertainment Television!


Vibha Chibber, Actor

Janaki is such a strong character; she is the glue that holds the family together and she commands respect and is authoritative, which helps her run the household effectively. I enjoy essaying characters like Janaki, you will find women like her in many households in India who are the backbones of their families. I hope that the viewers will embrace 'Mehndi Wala Ghar' with the same love and warmth with which it has been created, making it a memorable experience for all.

Karan Mehra, Actor 
Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. This is the crux of Mehndi Wala Ghar, which really resonated with me and became one of the biggest reasons for me to say yes to the show. Portraying the character of Manoj Agrawal has been a deeply rewarding experience, allowing me to explore the complexities of human relationships and the values that bind families together. The show's narrative is a beautiful blend of tradition, love, and the essence of home, making it a compelling watch for viewers of all ages.

Shruti Anand, Actor
Mauli is more than just a character; she personifies the strength, resilience, and love that resides in women across the country, making them the pillars of their families. The show is a celebration of the connections that bind families together, and I am honored to be a part of it. Collaborating with such a talented team has been inspiring, and I sincerely hope that Mauli's journey resonates with viewers, leaving a lasting impression on them, just as it has on me.

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