Friday, June, 28,2024

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Dy CM & FM Diya Kumari participates in pre-budget consultations in Delhi

New Delhi: Under the able leadership of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to achieve the vision of the Modi 3.0 Government, a pre-budget consultation meeting was held in New Delhi today with the objective of ‘Viksit Bharat, Viksit Rajasthan’. The meeting was chaired by the Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman in view of the forthcoming Union Budget 2024-25. Rajasthan’s Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister, Diya Kumari presented the development proposals and issues related to Rajasthan to the Union Finance Minister.

Diya Kumari urged for an early solution to the Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP). She also put forth the proposal for further strengthening the ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ and requested support from the Centre for this project. Rajasthan’s Finance Minister also presented the case of 3 major pending rail projects for the State, which will provide connectivity to remote areas.

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