Saturday, July, 27,2024

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65 candidates of BJP, 111 of Cong at number 2

Jaipur: Candidates of BJP and Congress stood second on 176 seats in the state. There were only 23 seats where small parties and independent candidates were seen in the contest. Of these, five candidates of Bharat Adivasi Party (BAP), formed before the elections, stood at number two in the tribal areas of the state.

Three candidates of BAP won assembly elections.
Apart from this, two candidates from Hanuman Beniwal’s party RLP and two of BSP stood second. The number of independent MLAs who stood second in the assembly election results was ten. These were mostly those candidates who had rebelled against Congress and BJP and entered the electoral fray.

Congress, which lost elections, won 69 seats and 111 of its candidates remained at number two position. That means there were 180 seats where either Congress won or the performance of the candidate was better.

However, on twenty seats the party’s candidate either finished third or got deposit forfeited. Congress candidates could not save their deposits on many seats including Hanumangarh and Bhadra.

BJP also performed better on 180 seats The party won 115 seats while its candidates stood second on 65 seats. This means that on 20 seats BJP candidate was either at third position or even lower.

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