Saturday, July, 27,2024

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US vetoes UN resolution urging immediate Gaza ceasefire

New York [US]: The United States has wielded its veto power at the United Nations to block a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, CNN reported.

This move was widely anticipated and occurs as global calls for Israel to halt its offensive against Hamas continue to intensify.

Despite signalling its intent to veto the Algerian resolution, the US has become increasingly critical of Israel's actions in Gaza. On Monday, the US proposed its own draft resolution in the Security Council, advocating for a "temporary ceasefire" in the ongoing conflict, as reported by CNN.

While the American draft falls short of the preferences of most other Security Council members, it underscores a toughening stance from the White House on the matter.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador to the UN, addressed the Security Council, expressing concerns that the Algerian-proposed resolution could negatively impact delicate negotiations in the region.

"Proceeding with a vote today was wishful and irresponsible, and so while we cannot support a resolution that would put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy, we look forward to engaging on a text that we believe will address so many of the concerns we all share," she stated following the vote.

Although Algeria's resolution was destined to fail, it highlighted the growing global apprehension about the nature of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)'s ground and bombing campaign in Gaza."

Notably, Israel is planning to carry out a ground operation in Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians have fled over the course of the conflict.

Earlier on Friday, President Joe Biden told reporters at the White House that he's had "extensive conversations" with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu over the last several days, where he relayed his position "that there has to be a temporary ceasefire" to secure the safe release of hostages still held by Hamas.

The US draft also warns of the effects of an Israeli ground offensive into Rafah, saying it would "result in further harm to civilians and their further displacement, including potentially into neighbouring countries, which would have serious implications for regional peace and security."

However, despite international pressure, Israel has said it plans to expand its ground operations into Rafah as part of its goal to destroy Hamas after the October 7 attacks. Many fear that military action in the refugee tent city could spark an exodus and result in the deaths of thousands of civilians.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has grown more vocal in expressing concerns over how Israel is conducting the war. Last week, Biden told Netanyahu that the military action "should not proceed," according to a readout of their call. 

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