Sunday, June, 23,2024

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Sachin Pilot thanks voters, says politics of revenge won’t work

Dausa: Congress leader Sachin Pilot said on Tuesday that through the general elections, the people of country have given a message that politics of repression, revenge, & discrimination will not work.

Pilot said that the results of the general elections have brought a fragmented mandate.

“I want to thank the people of the state for the results that have come in Rajasthan. These were unexpected. We have defeated the Bharatiya Janata Party on 11 seats. There was a double-engined government, whether it was Uttar Pradesh, Haryana or Rajasthan, people, farmers, youth have given a clear message,” Pilot told reporters in Dausa.

He was in Dausa on the occasion of the death anniversary of former Union Minister and his father Rajesh Pilot. A large number of Congress leaders reached Bhadana (Dausa) and paid tribute at the Rajesh Pilot memorial and participated in the Sarva Dharma prayer meeting. Pilot said that the politics of repression, revenge and discrimination will not work.

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