Saturday, June, 22,2024

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People keen about Yatra, want to get rid of Cong misrule: Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti

Tonk: BJP leaders accused Congress govt of being corrupt and anti-youth and called the government Corrupt No.1.’

The party leaders held a press conference in Tonk and said that the Congress government has failed to provide security and jobs to the people of Rajasthan.

Union Minister of State Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his leadership and said that India is the world leader under Modi’s leadership. She said that the G-20 summit in Delhi proved the grandeur of India in the whole world. She also said that the people of Rajasthan are enthusiastic about BJP’s Parivartan Yatra and want to get rid of the Congress misrule.

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