Monday, June, 24,2024

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Minor blackmailed with obscene pics in Ajmer, complaint lodged

Ajmer: A case of blackmailing a 17-year-old girl by threatening to make her obscene pictures viral has been reported at Adarsh Nagar police station in Ajmer.

The father of the victim registered a complaint against a named accused of blackmailing his daughter and taking away gold and silver jewellery. The police have registered a case under various sections, including the POCSO Act and started investigation. SIT is investigating that case.

According to police, the victim’s father complained that a friend informed him about the obscene viral photos. After this, he inquired about it from his daughter. She said that a young man had made her photos viral. He used to follow her while she was on her way to school and pressurize her to be friends with him.

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