Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Man strangulates father, dies by suicide with son; case filed

Pali: A man allegedly strangulated his father over a family dispute and then jumped in a pond along with his 5-year-old son in Rajasthan’s Pali area, police said on Thursday.

The incident occurred in the Kulthana village on Wednesday night, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Pali Rural, Ratnaram Dewasi said.

Prakash Patel (30) allegedly strangulated his father Durgaram Patel (65) over a dispute regarding his divorce, the DSP said.

After killing his father, the accused Prakash with his son Rahul allegedly committed suicide by jumping into a pond.

Their bodies were fished out on Thursday morning, according to the police reports on Thursday.

A case was registered and the bodies were sent for post-mortem, the Deputy Superintendent of Police added.

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