Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Kharra attends youth dialogue programme

Sikar: UDH Minister Jhabar Singh Kharra attended the youth dialogue programme at Surya Mandal in Fatehpur Shekhawati on Saturday. Prizes were distributed to school children who appeared for the Gyanodaya exam.

Minister Kharra honoured the senior teachers of Fatehpur and Ramgarh Sethan areas. He interacted with the youths and elderly who praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that it is a period of great achievement for everyone in the State. The elderly said that their lives have become easier because of the development schemes of the Centre.

During this, Bhartiya Janta Party leader Shravan Choudhary, Krishna Kumar Janu, Vikas Bhaskar, Mahavir Kataria, Saroj Kadwasra, Ramvatar Ruthla, Bajrang Shekhawat, BJP city division president, rural division president and a large number of BJP workers were present during the programme.

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