Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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It’s Allen again!

Kota: The extreme step of jumping down from the 9th floor of a building by an Allen coaching student in Kota has yet again put focus on the pressure being faced by the students as well as lack of measures in the ecosytem to handle such incidents.

A student from Allen Coaching Institute identified as Bagisha Tiwari, hailing from Rewa in Madhya Pradesh, had allegedly jumped down from the 9th floor of Pukhraj Element building on Wednesday evening. The video of the incident went viral on the social media on Thursday. The student, who had been preparing for the NEET exam for the past three years, was reportedly depressed after the results due to receiving lower marks than expected.

The police were alerted and quickly arrived at the scene, moving the body to the mortuary for post-mortem examination, which was conducted in the presence of the family members on Thursday.

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