Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Green corridor made to shift critical ERT commando

Jaisalmer: A commando from the Emergency Response Team (ERT) of Jaisalmer police was critically injured after being shot in the head. The bullet passed through his skull, necessitating immediate medical attention. A green corridor was established to transport the injured commando from Jaisalmer to Mathuradas Mathur Hospital in Jodhpur, a journey that took about three hours.

Upon arrival at the hospital, medical personnel, who had already prepared, conducted a CT scan on the commando before transferring him to the ICU’s red zone. The commando is currently on a ventilator.

The incident occurred as a team of 10 ERT personnel were travelling from Jodhpur to Jaisalmer to ensure security for Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar’s two-day visit.

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