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Guru Parampara: Boon to Humanity; Lord Vishnu to Asaram ji Bapu

New Delhi: The Guru Shishya Parampara, an integral part of Indian culture, has been the cornerstone of the transmission of knowledge, values, and wisdom since ancient times. This tradition of mentorship and spiritual guidance has produced exemplary figures, including Lord Ram and Lord Krishna. The Guru Shishya relationship is the most pious relationship, and through this bond, not only are individuals benefited, but it is also a boon to humanity. In Bharat, we have an unparalleled history of Great Sadgurus and their dedicated satshishyas (disciples) who have not only paved the path to spiritual excellence but also enabled the overall development of society as a whole.

Guru Shishya Relationship: The Divine Lineage

In the world, there are many relationships often chosen based on stars, blood, birth, or comfort. These are usually short-lived and last only as long as the person's life. However, there is one relationship that is eternal: the one between a Guru and His disciple. This bond continues to protect the disciple even after death. The wisdom passed from Guru to disciple ensures the disciple's well-being and guides him on the path to spiritual excellence.

Revered Asaramji Bapu belongs to one of the divine lineages of enlightened masters which starts from Lord Narayan. His lineage represents not only the divine source of his knowledge but also shows the tracks of Guru Shishya Parampara that have manifested to uplift the overall well-being of humanity.

This lineage of enlightened masters includes “Dadu Dayalji,” whose revolutionary ideas and literature brought a revolution across the nation and gave worship a direction that  elevated  society  on the path to eternal bliss. His 52 disciples gained self-realization, one of whom was Swami Nischaldasji Maharaj, who wrote the renowned scripture ‘Vicharsagar’, which is very popular for its vedic knowledge in simple words. The same lineage includes Swami Leelashah Ji Maharaj, whose miracles are known worldwide. His power of spirituality and services to humanity made him one of the most famous saints of Sindh. Bapuji, a disciple of Sai Leelashah Ji, has been following this lineage, spreading the knowledge of Sanatan Dharma, and serving humanity as a 

Here is a quick rundown of the divine lineage:

    • Narayan Bhagwan
    • Bhagwan Brahmaji
    • Maharishi  Vasishtha
    • Maharishi Shakti
    • Maharishi Parashar
    • Bhagwan Vedavyasji
    • Shri Shukdev Muniji
    • Shri Gaudapadacharyaji
    • Shri Govindapadacharyaji
    • Shri Adi Shankaracharyaji
    • Shri Totakacharyaji
    • Shri Raghavanand Swamiji
    • Shri Ramanand Swamiji
    • Shri Kabirdasji
    • Sant Shri Kamaaldasji
    • Sant Shri Dadu Dayalji
    • Sant Shri Banwari Das Ji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Chabeel Das Ji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Shyam Das Ji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Narayandas Ji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Har Bhagat Ji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Alakh Das Ji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Amar Das Ji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Laxman Das Ji Maharaj
    • Swami Shri Nischaldasji Maharaj
    • Swami  Shri Keshavanandji Maharaj
    • Swami Shri Lilashahji Maharaj
    • Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu

Guru Shishya Tradition Keeps the flame of knowledge alive

Typically, the term "Guru" is used synonymously with a teacher or someone who imparts knowledge. In this sense, every mentor, teacher, or guide can be called a Guru. However, according to Sanatan Dharma, Sadguru is the king of all the gurus . Sadguru is  someone who can impart knowledge that helps a person understand the ultimate truth of life and reach the pinnacle of spiritual ecstasy. Asaramji Bapu mentions that, according to ancient scriptures, the Sadguru is considered above the trinity of “Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesha (Shivji)” because He goes beyond them and helps His disciple experience Parabrahma, the source of the trinity.

A Sadguru illuminates the path to self-realization and inner peace, preserving and promoting the rich traditions and values of Sanatan Sanskriti.

Guru and Shishya: A Bond of Truth, Faith, and Affection

A Guru shares an affectionate bond with his disciple, built on the foundation of the disciple's faith, the Guru's kindness, the disciple's devotion, and the Guru's compassion. In this unique bond, the disciple seeks the Guru's blessings to climb the ladder of success. Adi Shankaracharya's spiritual guide, Bhagwadpada Govindapadacharyaji, mentions:

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara,

Guru Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmay Shri Gurave Namah

Bapuji has explained this verse in his discourses, noting that just as Lord Brahma created the universe, the Guru instills good values, virtues, and knowledge in the disciples. Just as Lord Vishnu is the preserver, the Guru nourishes spirituality and cultural values within the disciple. Just as Lord Shiva is the destroyer, the Guru annihilates diseases, sins, and weaknesses from the disciple's heart. The Guru is Parabrahma, which means that the guru’s grace is everywhere and always after mantra diksha (initiation), guiding him through all aspects of life, preventing bad deeds, and appreciating good ones.

This relationship is not only divine but also enchanting, making it special for every disciple.

Guru Shishya parampara : Application to the Modern World

A life without a Guru is like a ship without a rudder, drifting aimlessly in the vast ocean of existence. Just as a lamp illuminates a house, the wisdom of the Guru illuminates the heart. This relationship provides spiritual benefits and enables holistic development.

Guide for Life

Bapuji mentions that the Guru Shishya relationship is like that of a SIM card and a satellite. No matter where the SIM goes, the satellite connection can reach it and pave its path to glory. The only difference is that the SIM has a validity limit and there may be a connectivity issue but the Guru’s blessing and Guru Mantra have no expiry date & connectivity problem and take care of the disciple even after death.

Barricades Degradation

It is a proven fact that a person who stays in contact with His Guru is less prone to degradation. He does not get carried away by temptations, stays steadfast, and makes wise decisions, thereby contributing to his growth.

Enhances Emotional and Mental Strength

Having a Guru in life enhances mental stability, which helps in career, spirituality, handling family matters, and even studies. Such people are less prone to depression, suicide, anxiety, and anger issues.

Health and Spiritual Well-Being

A Guru is a guide for holistic development, including spirituality and health. The Guru nourishes the disciple with boundless knowledge, helping create harmony with nature. This not only builds strong spiritual power but also promotes good health.

Revolution In World

Gurus like Asaramji Bapu are revolutionary saints whose initiatives and guidance lead millions of disciples on the path of cultural development. This, in turn, contributes to the development of the nation and humanity. They uphold the principle 'Nar Sewa Hi Narayan Sewa' (Serving Humans is Serving God) and significantly contribute to the upliftment of humanity as a whole.

True Essence of Guru Shishya Parampara

The Guru Shishya Parampara is indeed a boon to humanity. It embodies the true essence of spiritual mentorship, fostering a deep connection between the guru and the disciple. This relationship is not merely educational but transformational, leading to the disciple's overall development. It bridges the material and spiritual worlds, offering a holistic approach to life. The Guru Shishya Parampara, as exemplified by Sant Asharam Bapuji and his illustrious lineage, continues to be a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in ignorance. It is a testament to the enduring power of spiritual guidance and the profound impact of a guru on a disciple's life. The teachings and practices of this tradition are vital for achieving true happiness and fulfillment, making it an indispensable part of Indian culture and Sanatan Sanskriti.

In the heart’s sacred shrine, a lamp burns bright,
Guiding souls through the darkest night.
With a guru’s wisdom, our spirits soar,
Finding peace, we seek no more.

Guru Purnima: A Day for Guru Or One’s Inner Self

Guru Purnima is the day dedicated to expressing gratitude to the Guru. It is a day to pledge our commitment to spiritual excellence. On this day, disciples visit the Guru's place to refine their inner selves. The Guru blesses the disciples, preparing them to progress on their path of personal development.

Asaramji Bapu’s message for Gurupurnima

Gurupurnima is about becoming a Guru. Humility makes us small, but knowledge, renunciation, wisdom, and the desire to attain God make us a Guru. A Guru is someone who is rich in supreme happiness, abundant knowledge and united with the highest God. God did not create the universe to make you a slave; God created the universe to make you a lover. You belong to God, and God is yours. Don't crouch down and beg. Devo bhutva devam yajet: "Become a god and worship the god.

On the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima millions throng the 400+ ashrams of Asaramji  Bapu to express their deepest gratitude and respect. 

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