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Powerful Message on Unity and Tradition Echoes at World Hindu Congress 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand

New Delhi: In a momentous assembly of faith and thought, thousands of Hindu leaders from across the globe convened in Bangkok, Thailand, for the World Hindu Congress—an event that has grown in prominence since its initiation in New Delhi, India, followed by Chicago in the USA, and now in the vibrant city of Bangkok. 

This quadrennial congress, held from November 24 to 26, 2023, served as a platform for deep discussions on humanity's future and the challenges that lie ahead. The intensive three-day event featured simultaneous conferences covering a spectrum of topics and industries, bringing together a diverse array of perspectives. 

The inauguration of the congress by RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat set the stage for thinkers, activists, and leaders to address the global challenges faced by Hindus. Planning was also to welcome Chief Minister Shri Adhiyate Nath Jogi from Uttar Pradesh as the honored guest, adding political insight to the rich tapestry of discussions. Unfortunately CM Jogi could not make it. 

One of the distinguished voices at the event was Mr. Rahul Kumar, a Member of Parliament from Frankfurt, Germany. Having previously addressed audiences in Chicago in 2018 as a Councillor, Kumar underscored the importance of mutual support and motivation within cultural spheres. He emphasized the imperative of transforming negative energy into strength, ensuring that darkness finds no refuge before the light. Speaking predominantly in Hindi, he expounded on the value of Hindu and Sanathan Dharma, stating, "It is a sign of trust, faith, and love for our motherland Bharat, and I aspire to connect with the roots of our common ancestors."

Kumar, who made history by becoming the first person of Indian origin to secure an MP seat in Frankfurt in 2021, highlighted the significance of upholding traditions from religious sacred texts. Chief Minister of Haryana, Shri Mahohar Lal Khattar, conveyed his best wishes to Kumar via telephone before his participation in the World Hindu Congress 2023, recognizing Kumar's roots in Haryana and his positive political and diplomatic relations with the Chief Minister's Office.

The diverse experiences of the attendees during the three-day event underscored its immense value. The gathering of minds from around the world to deliberate on the future was pivotal, considering Hindus constitute approximately 16% of the global population. Establishing effective networking channels is crucial for discussing and deliberating on important matters, echoing the congress's theme of global unity. 

As the World Hindu Congress seeks a new location every four years, there is anticipation that Europe, might be the venue for the future —an exciting prospect for furthering the global dialogue on the challenges and future of Hindu communities worldwide.

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