Monday, September, 23,2024

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I think it was destiny that I got this role: Karuna Pandey on her role in Pushpa Impossible

1. What intrigued you about the show? What was that one thing that pushed you to be a part of the show?

I was initially approached for a different role on the show but when I came for the auditions, I heard the brief about Pushpa’s character and I just fell in love with her and the storyline so much that I convinced them to let me audition for Pushpa instead. I felt that I could understand and relate to Pushpa and got even more keen to seize the role. After a few rounds of auditions and look tests, I finally got the good news. I would like to believe that it was destiny that I am playing the role of Pushpa. 

2. Can you share something about your character and how much you relate to it?

I find a certain resemblance to the character of Pushpa; we are both upfront and candid personalities. While being mindful of people’s feelings I speak my mind. I think I am very similar to Pushpa in these aspects, she has innocence in her, she is spontaneous and follows her heart. We both stem from very different upbringings but our straightforward attitudes and optimism are similar to each other. I am very similar to Pushpa in more ways than possible.

3. Indian television has seen a lot of shows that are based on mothers and women. How is Pushpa going to be different? 

Pushpa as a character is based on real-life mothers. She is not shown as an image of perfection like Kaushalya or evil like Kekayi but as a character who has good qualities and shortcomings. She has innocence but also has a carefree spirit. She is spontaneous and responsible; she wants to protect her family and will achieve anything for them. Where most mothers are shown as selfless, her self-respect comes first for her.  She will bend backwards for her family, but she won’t tolerate being disrespected. I think Pushpa is different because people have not seen a flawed mother on screen. 

4. The role requires you to talk in a peculiar Gujarati accent, how did you prepare for that?

Honestly, I’m still learning. I have never been in a complete Gujarati surroundings before but I am fascinated with the Gujarati culture and I am making progress in my understanding. As a show, we are not making it very regional centric because it's a pan India show and we want our viewers from north and south to also understand and enjoy the show. The writers are amazing, they have incorporated fabulous dialogues and screenplays. The producer of the show is God’s gift, he is very involved and gives his 100% to the show. It feels like he has had this character living in his mind for years. Everyone on set is highly involved and supportive. I am working hard and improving myself.

5. What do you think the audience will take away from the show?

I think the audience will like Pushpa’s honesty, her art of trying to find a silver lining in everything and her uniqueness. Pushpa has a brilliant problem-solving attitude. Life gives her a lot of hardships but she doesn’t fall behind but instead powers through and thought of creative solutions to her problems. I think her attitude towards life and the knack for finding happiness in all situations of life is something the audience will take away with them, especially the women viewers. They will learn how to look at life through Pushpa’s lens.

6. Do you think education is very important to earn respect or to achieve success?

I think education is very important, especially in the society we live in. In today's time if you are not educated it feels like something is missing in life. Education builds you and your personality. It gives you skills and confidence. I truly believe education does play a role in self-confidence and respect in the family and society, it opens up a lot more doors and opportunities for people. Education is also a gender equalizer; it allows equal opportunities for all. But the value of a person and the respect they deserve should not depend on their educational qualification alone.

7. Any woman personality who has inspired you? someone who has fought all the odds and achieved success in life? Someone, you look up to?

My mother and my grandmother, I think have fought all odds in life and their strength truly inspires me.  I am also inspired by the women I meet daily. All women, whether working women or a homemaker, are balancing so many things to create a meaningful life for themselves and their families. They fight through any adversity and come out stronger. When I meet these women, they inspire me and encourage me to be stronger.

8. How does it feel to be associated with Sony SAB’s Pushpa Impossible?

I have worked with Sony SAB in the past on the show - ‘Bhootwala Serial’ and this will be my second stint with the channel. I love the channel’s energy, and its treatment of content and I am ecstatic to be associated with the channel again. I feel fortunate to be a part of Pushpa Impossible because it's a great concept and the character is so positive, zestful and inspiring. It is a show that perfectly matches the vibe of Sony SAB as a brand. I am enjoying it to the fullest.

9. Any message from your audience and fans?

To my followers who have seen my work earlier, I would urge them to watch Pushpa Impossible. It's new and interesting work that I have never done before. For those who will see it for the first time, please see a few episodes before concluding. It's a very interesting show. You will laugh and have lots of aha! moments. I promise you it will be worth your time. Please come and watch Pushpa Impossible

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