Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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There is no organization or body in international forum that acts like police to enforce rule based order and bring the rogue states to behave. The United Nations is more of a Panchayat with no authority and no apparatus to enforce civilized behavior amongst the member states. Security Council comes very close to policing role in UN but it has also been hijacked by the mighty five having veto powers. The difference of opinion or vested national interests often forces powerful countries to use the veto to defang the UNSC.

After the World War II, all nation states felt the pain of war devastation and professed to start an organization for international order. This is how UN was born but it was no better than ‘League of Nations’. USA emerged as the most powerful nation in the world, after the World War II and assumed for itself the role of so called ‘Global Police’. If the United States wanted to use military power, against a nation state, then it might legitimize its actions with tacit approval of the United Nations.

The European Colonial powers declined with the World War II and the Queen was too willing to accede the position of super cop to the USA. As the sole superpower, in 1940s, the United States assumed the role of world’s policeman, conveniently citing a moral responsibility to uphold freedom and democracy around the world. The United States felt that without US primacy and policing the world, this planet will descend into a ‘dog-eat-dog’/ ‘might-is-right’ environment.

After World War II, the United States found itself committed to a global agenda of liberty and human rights. It also assumed the role of checking crimes sans borders like terrorism and support the smaller sovereign countries against the hegemony of powerful neighbours and regional bullies. The global dominance of USA got further consolidated after the collapse of Soviet Empire and Warsaw Pact countries.

America dons the mantle of world’s policeman because there is nobody to protect the peaceful countries from the ruthlessness of religious radicalism and international gangs of terrorists. We need someone strong to check nuclear proliferation or threats from biological or chemical warfare. There is also need to protect the planet earth, conserve energy resources and protect the environment from pollution. With globalization, international supply chains have increased manifold and they need to be secured. Only the US has the capability and American troops are stationed across the globe to enforce rule based order. Today, the Pentagon controls around 750 bases in some 80 foreign countries and territories. Military action goes on against terrorism in 76 countries, or 40% of the world.

Global policing comes at a steep price and only a rich country like USA can afford it. Research estimates state that world policeman duties cost America about $5.6 trillion, however the Pentagon downplays it to $1.5 trillion, per year. These estimates predict that by 2050, cost of world policing duties may increase to more than $8 Trillion. No country except USA can financially sustain that effort.

After the collapse of USSR, the world almost became unipolar with USA emerging as the most powerful country. In 21st Century, the world order is changing from unipolar to multipolar where the supreme superpower status of USA is being challenged. Smaller nation states are challenging their authority to become self-styled global police. USA has also been selective in their interventions, as it suites their national interests. It would be better for United States to “decline gracefully.”

America’s record at keeping global order is deeply flawed, but no other country is prepared and capable to take on that role. In 21st Century, alliances of various countries having common interest like G7, G20, SAARC, BIMSTEC, SCO, AUKUS and QUAD are coming up. In the multipolar world, they are capable of policing duties in their region.

There is a realignment of power in the 21st Century. Developing countries other than USA are also rising on the world geopolitical stage. A multipolar world and a more equitable balance of power must be the aim in 21st Century. The rising awareness amongst developing regional superpower, is challenging the role of USA as global policeman. Their argument is that US is a country and not a global government. They do not buy the argument that USA is an impartial umpire in world affairs. The responsibilities of restoring rule based order in the region should, best be assigned to regional alliances, with UN Security Council monitoring that globally.


MAJ GEN CP SINGH (RETD) The writer is a scholar soldier accredited with MA, MSc, LLB, MBA, M Phil (Def Mgt) and M Phil (International Strategic Affairs)

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