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Long ago, a psychologist who was a great observer of nature wrote that life is the same everyday. The sun rises and sets, the wind circles round and round continuously, the streams flow into the sea. Our eyes and ears are constantly faced with this endless procession of repetitious events, and with our short life span, everything gives the appearance of monotony. Today, many are away from nature due to the artificial technological society around them. Products of mass production have tied many to their jobs, in which, they repeat one small operation, hundreds of times daily with nothing to advance them mentally, along with the unrelenting pressure to excel in profit making, thereby, creating a treadmill that wears them out. The kind of life, with all its routine sameness, brevity and emptiness causes many to ask, is this all there is to life? In reality, the different cycles in nature provide stability and security to life and not monotony. What if we could not count upon the sun’s rising at a certain time? Or if we could not be sure what season was to come next? There could be no planning, no real work accomplished. There would be chaos and confusion.

There are certain things inherent in us, certain repetitions, without which one’s mind and body will not function properly. A few of these are — regular eating, sleeping, bathing, dressing and having a reasonable level of work to do each day. Some may seem to be mundane chores at times, but one would get sick if their regularity is broken up. Also, the regularity of things causes one to desire an established place to live, a home. There are things that need attention on a daily basis around the house. This brings stability and a feeling of security. Another aspect in which the repetition of natural things is seen as a necessity are the supply of air, water and food on which one is dependent. In earth’s natural purification system of evaporation and condensation, life is sustained. Sunlight, wind and running water are sources of energy and power which help in the operation of electric gadgets. This power is renewable and pollution free. The natural cycles are many and they are very complex. Whatever new inventions one sees are nothing more than the application of principles already existing in nature.

The repetition of natural cycles can affect one in such a way that one’s sense of hearing and seeing are not satisfied but desire something new or novel. Despite changing fashion, there is nothing new in the events of common day to day living. There has been advancement, regression, disappointment, oppression, corruption and revolution, followed by still more oppression and corruption. People, in general have had the same hopes, desires and ambitions. Generations of people come and go but soon their memory fades and is eclipsed by those who are alive. Even if any individual made a notable name or was outstanding in beauty or ability, that person is gone and probably forgotten. Most people cannot even remember the names of their great grand-parents. The pages of history are filled with many names, but this means little in the lives of people today. Their influence on others is gone. The very fact that people try everything within their power to be remembered despite their knowing that eventually they will be forgotten show their desire to live, even in memory. The temporariness of life and the inability to gain permanence produces a feeling of futility and causes one to search for something different only to find that it is the ‘same old story.’

Stability comes when more emphasis is given to relationships than possessions, strengthening the old and building new, gives happiness. Life’s situations keep changing, so the prudent course is to go about one’s business using sound judgement in dealing with the unpleasant aspects of daily life and enjoy what one has now. Just as roots of a plant are hidden from view, but give the plant stability and nourishment. Similarly, new experiences and new learnings help one to be properly rooted and balanced. Even in the worst of times, there may be things that provide moments of relief. A target achieved, a desire fulfilled, a call from a friend, a tasty meal, a good rest that proves restorative, a glistening blue sky and a refreshing breeze — all of these and more may come our way in a single day for us to find satisfaction amidst a monotonous routine.


REKHA KUMAR The writer is a personal development skills facilitator. [email protected]

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