Thursday, September, 19,2024

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When Shakespeare, the great playw right , penned his immortal words “ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE”, his view was limited to a metaphor. He could not have imagined that a young, skinny Hindu would become the PM of the UK and pioneer a new World Stage for generations to follow. The meteoric rise of Rishi Sunak to the highest office in Great Britain is being hailed the world over, albeit through deviating prisms. Sadly, in some dark minds, his rise is being seen as a body blow and a conspiracy against the whites. But, as a matter of fact, his rise is the cutting edge of human evolution, for it has pushed mankind many miles closer to that distant utopia where man & nature will coexist in eternal bliss. While Indians are celebrating pluralism in a country that ruled over them for 200 years, they are letting monism crawl out at home. Coloured people are feeling somewhat vindicated that their skin shade is nothing but a pigment of the imagination.

What Sunak really represents is the triumph of core human values of hard work, integrity and learning. He has proven that the barriers of religion & colour are high only for the mediocre. To step over them with alacrity, sangfroid & the confidence of a Barack, Rishi, Manmohan or Lal Bahadur, one has to become taller in character, professional integrity & wisdom, all honed by quality education. Such personalities belie the excuses, alibis and selfjustifications of the lazy and corrupt. Having said that, for such efforts to fructify, the ground of liberal thought (democracy) is a prerequisite, even if partly tilled. Is it any surprise that such leaps are well nigh impossible in autocratic or theocratic states? Only democracies, the crucibles of liberal thought, can make it possible. They welcome pure talent & integrity to break their fossilized thoughts on colour, religion etc and cement their democratic values.

Rishi Sunak has enkindled many a flame across the world stage. He has added fuel to a million burning spirits who can now dare to dream big !! Just as electricity, a miracle once, is now the most common utility in our lives, so too would that stage be that Rishi has set up so adroitly. For thousands of years, Mt.Everest stood unconquered, until the young Edmund Hillary climbed it in 1953. Ever since, in 69 short years, more than 6,000 have climbed that peak., with one Nepali Sherpa making 26 ascents !! By the way, his name is Kami Rita, in case his effort has been lost in the dust of that oft-tread path !! Even though the irrepressible comics & cynics will add grist to their humour & rumour mills, they can never take away the breathtaking conquest of Rishi Sunak, the 57th PM of Great Britain, once the biggest empire the world has known. The trail he has blazed will make it easier for the ones who are sure to emulate his extraordinary feat.

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