Monday, June, 17,2024

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Tell us something about yourself. My name is Anubha and I am 25-year- old from Noida, currently studying in Gautam Buddha University, Noida. I am in love with the transformation that makeup can give. Apart from this, I am both a fashion model as well as an influencer.

What are the challenges that you faced?
Although this career appears opulent and beautiful, there are several difficulties involved. A professional’s consistency and steadiness may occasionally be lacking. But the trick is to remain concentrated. Every newcomer should know that pressure and criticism are inevitable parts of the process. Therefore, having a positive attitude about the feedback promotes exponential growth.

What inspired you to become an influencer?
I firmly believe in the zeal to follow dreams and passion. If you have that spark in you then the sky is the limit. I firmly believe that everyone possesses a unique gift that should be distributed to the entire world. I can bring out a person’s inner confidence and accentuate their natural beauty through my social media pages.

Where do you see yourself after five years?
I take each challenge as it comes and try to live in the present. I want to experience more with every day that goes by. I want to go beyond the limitations of the modelling industry in order to improve society.

Tell us about your achievements."
I have worked with brands such as Generic on Amazon. in besides this I have a well established youtube channel with all most, on which I love to post my dance and fashion videos.

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