Monday, June, 17,2024

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Finally, the season of Jingle Bells, carols, gifts, cakes and of course our Santa Claus arrived after a long wait. And just like every year, this year shines as a festival of joy and happiness for everyone. The day commemorates the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ and is observed as a grand celebration by people belonging to different religions. Family gatherings, grand dinners, and gifts exchange form the true essence of this winter festival. People spend time with their closed ones while decorating the Christmas tree in their homes. Kids hang empty socks in their rooms to get gifts from Santa Claus, some clean their chimneys, and some decorate Christmas trees, wreaths etc. My favourite memory of Christmas is singing soulful carols in school with the whole class and visiting our school church to live the vibe of this beautiful festival. Wait, it seems like we all have different ways to celebrate this festival of joy, so let’s discuss your favourite memory or way to celebrate ‘Your Christmas’.


Christmas simply lights up every nook, from decorating Christmas trees to creating desserts at home. I spent the day with my students by creating some miraculous artworks related to Christmas. We also offered our prayers to the lord and sang Christmas carols. Honestly speaking, creating the artworks together with the little kids made my day mesmerizing!


My house is under construction so I did not get much time to celebrate, and that is the reason why I ditched the ‘Christmas celebration tgis’ plan I made with my friend. But even in the busiest schedule, we managed to celebrate the day with delicious cake and mouth-watering dishes. But I promise next year for sure I am gonna make up for my mistake and will celebrate the day with my friends.


I adore Christmas so much! It’s the best time of the year. For Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, All my family gathered at our house and made gingerbread cookies and my personal favourite, chocolate cake, and decorated our Christmas tree. Following dinner, we all prayed to Jesus and exchanged gifts that we bought for one another.


This is the fi rst Christmas that I am spending with my partner Craig and it is pretty amazing. I had the opportunity to sing with the St Francis choir & Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and people from everywhere in the world regardless of any religion gathered together to share the rhythm of glad tidings.


My friends and I planned to visit our school Church but due to a Baby Shower function in the family, I had to stay at home with family and celebrated the day in a totally different way. We celebrated the birth of Jesus with the baby shower function cum Momchelor Party, in which we made many delicious dishes and played various games. At last, we paid gratitude to lord Jesus for blessing us.


My cousins surprised me with gifts and a cute Christmas cum get-together party at home. We really enjoyed the day with playing games and dancing to the tunes of funky music. We also binge watched our favorite series and decorated our house. I also fl aunted one of my fi nest Basket Ball move to them, which I am preparing from so long. My mumma also baked tasty cake for us.

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