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Rajesh was late for work again. His employer had earlier given him the final warning about it, so he was worried about losing his job. Looking at his boss, he smiled and said, “I’m applying for the job again.” His boss smiled back. Rajesh’s sense of humor saved the day.

A good sense of humor can, often defuse a tense situation. It can even help one to cope with adversity or a difficult situation. It benefits one’s health by enabling one to laugh. One might call laughter a luxury reflex. Its only function seems to be able to provide relief from tension in a kind of ‘respiratory gymnastics.’

Humor is the ability to see the funny or amusing side of things. Some call humor the sixth sense as it is important for our enjoyment of life and even for our survival, as much as any of the five physical senses.

Humor can brighten up even an apparently hopeless situation. It puts the recipient in a more pleasant, agreeable state. Relaxed laughter is healthy, but distorted, artificial laughter can be a cover up for troubled feelings.

Humor is an aid to a healthy mind and body. Persons with no sense of humor show symptoms of emotional disorders. They take themselves very seriously. Are such ones happy or do they contribute to the happiness of others? Seeing the humorous side of one’s life and laughing at oneself helps in not thinking more of oneself than what is necessary.

A humorous situation occurs when the unexpected happens or something is out of place. Mostly, humor is expressed in words and comes in great variety depending on nationality, social customs and environment. Some are intellectual or subtle, some crude and some are witty.

Also, what is funny to many persons can be meaningless to others. Some use intentional exaggeration for emphasis or humorous effect. “It’s raining cats and dogs,” “I nearly died laughing,” “I tried a thousand times.” Such statements are not literally true, but are usually understood by the listener.

Many persons are known for dry humor, they say something funny in a casual way and with a straight face. To laugh at one’s weaknesses is an important aspect of humor.

Laughter has many faces. One can distinguish between the innocent laugh, and the malicious, between that of the candid person, and one with an ulterior motive, the scoffing laughter of a mocker, from the benevolent laughter of a sympathetic companion, and the forced laughter in contrast to the spontaneous and natural laugh.

Jokes that leave people confused, humiliated, deceived, scared, suspicious or embarrassed, even if for a short time, are not in good taste. Some practical jokes that damage another’s clothing, possessions, waste time or delay a person in some planned work are unkind.

A person may say, “but I don’t mind having jokes played on me, why should others mind when I play jokes on them?” One can never be sure in advance how the other person will feel. Joking with people, even gently teasing them, can be a sign of affection. But when teasing highlights someone’s weakness or failings, it is spiteful.

Some have a long repertoire or collection of funny stories and spend much time telling them. They feel that they inject a little fun into other people’s lives and find it difficult to restrain themselves because of their over developed or even distorted sense of fun.

Like a coin, humor has two sides. Wit can be used either consciously or unconsciously as a weapon. There is a saying, ‘laughter kills’ and it proves true when a person becomes a victim of derisive humor or sarcasm. Jokes that are clean and said at the right time and place provide enjoyment and relaxation.

Thoughtless laughter and frivolous giggling beclouds and obscures sound judgement. It may cause a person to take serious matters lightly, due to which others can be offended or irritated.

Laughter is good medicine that can benefit one mentally, emotionally and physically. But at times, one must soberly view one’s life and the way one is living it. More vital is to cultivate a pleasant disposition rather than being a complainer or a grumbler. This would make one refreshing to others.

As one thinks over the multiple manifestations of humor, one can conclude that it is a delightful divine gift. Still, it must be used in moderation and in accordance with good judgement. When this is done, a sense of humor can add zest and sparkle in our daily lives.


REKHA KUMAR The writer is a personal development skills facilitator. [email protected]

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