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Hard work betrays none!

Describe yourself to us.
My name is Sangeeta Gharu and I hail from Jodhpur, Rajasthan but currently working in Delhi. I have been a very adventurous person, I like to explore the world and learn from it.

How did your journey begin?
My journey started after I witnessed tall and dark girls slaying the ramp with full confidence in a movie called ‘Fashion’. From that day I wished to be a most successful model in my country.

What were some of the battles you fought and are still fighting in your journey?
My skin complexion is dark and there was a time I was not satisfied with my dark skin colour, I wanted to be fair and because of my complexion, I was scared to pursue my career in modelling. Criticism was the only thing which was on my mind but after getting praise for my work from designers and directors my thought process has changed. Now I believe no colour, size, or race matters in today's world and appreciating yourself in every aspect of life is what everyone must do. Hard work speaks louder and that's how my work is being displayed.

Talk to us about your achievements?
I have walked for the most prominent brands and designers such as Amazon fashion week, Lakme fashion week, Tarun Thailani. Apart from that, I have been a part of Vogue magazine. I have been a part of an Amazon prime web series called ‘Hush Hush.’

Where do you see yourself after the next 20 years?
I see myself as a supermodel, actor and business women. The reason I want to achieve a lot is to teach every girl in my village who once dreamed to be a model.

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