Saturday, July, 27,2024

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Concern for the smallest karyakarta - Rajesh Sahetai, Gujarat BJP

I remember an event that was held at Dahod in the year 2014. The election campaign was started from Dahod. I was the nagar pramukh (municipal president) of the city. We had prepared a stage for the event that could accommodate around 16 people. I was also among those 16 who were to grace the stage. But at that time an MLA from Rajgarh had arrived for the event for whom I had to vacate my place. As a result, I had to keep standing on the stage the whole two hours that the programme lasted. Little did I know that Narendra bhai was aware of the fact that I had to stand all the time and was concerned about the inconvenience he thought I might be facing. He was so caring for a small karyakarta like me. At the end of the event, before leaving, he in fact came up to me and asked me, wasn’t I too tired after standing without a break for two long hours? This overwhelmed me beyond words and enhanced my respect for the great leader.

Modi ji is the epitome of perseverance and determination - Bharat Parmar, Gujarat BJP

I am talking about the vision of Narendra bhai. Work for an organisational event was going on. I got a call from him. He said he was coming down to the place at 8 PM the same night. He landed in time and straightaway sought details of the progress of work. I told him entries were being made in the registers. He asked everyone -- all the tehsil in-charges about the work done in their respective tehsils. All said there was nothing to worry about as all the registers were ready or about to be so and those would be sent to the districts in a day or two, from where they would reach the state headquarters. I knew he would catch us (for not being honest about the incomplete work). Modi ji said, that’s fine but you should have brought the registers here today. Why didn’t you? How long will it take to get them here? he asked. The office bearers said it required at least 3-4 hours to fetch the registers. Modi ji said, well then. I will be waiting here. Bring all the registers to me. The work of completing the registers actually took hours and by the time we finished the whole work it was well past 4:30 in the morning. Modi ji kept sitting there till 5 AM, till the work was done and the registers were ready to be dispatched to the districts. Such is his discipline and determination.

Jan Shakti se Jan Andolan: Modi mantra since young days - Prakash Mehta, Canberra, Australia

There is an incident related to Modi ji that dates back to the 1971 war. The Army was leaving for the border from Ahmedabad station. We held a meeting and decided to serve tea to all the soldiers who were leaving to serve the nation. We thus decided to set up a huge arrangement for the purpose at the station. Here, a young Narendra Modi intervened and said no this is not the right way to honour our fighters. Let’s ask the locals to bring 5-10 cups of tea in their thermos from their homes. This way the entire society will be involved to come forward and cheer for our soldiers. This was a masterstroke of Modi ji that catapulted a party programme into a major social movement, connecting commoners to the war and the glory of our brave hearts. This was an incredible ingenuity from a 21-22 year old youth that turned the event into a major milestone. It was an apt tribute to our soldiers, who felt one with their countrymen.

Rakhi is a memorable occasion with Modi ji - Vijaya Rahatkar, BJP National Leader

Rakshabandhan is a special occasion for both Modi ji and hundreds of sisters who reach him from far and wide to tie rakhi on his wrist every year and take his blessings. I have been tying rakhi to the honourable Prime Minister for years along with many of our sisters from the organisation. One particular thing about Modi ji is his deep involvement and interest in whatever he is involved in. When the sisters would tie rakhi to him, he would ask them various questions about their state or region and how work was being done by them there, often in their own regional language. This interaction leaves such a deep impact on us sisters, that it stays as a beautiful memory with us all our lives. His interaction is always motivational and inspirational that stays with you wherever you are and helps you surmount all hurdles.


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