Monday, February, 10,2025

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A philosopher once said, “I believe that the very purpose of life is to seek happiness.” He then explained that, happiness can be achieved by training or disciplining the mind and heart, making it free from selfish, egoistic thoughts.

True happiness involves having peaceful relationships. We cannot be truly happy if we isolate ourselves or if we are constantly in conflict with those around us. When we feel appreciated, and if, we appreciate others, we can be happy.

Would you allow a bruised ego to cause you to reject someone who has cared enough to warn you before it’s too late – even if he / she knows, you may not like what is said? A person who thinks straight and talks straight, would actually be our best adviser and friend.

An egotistical person has an inflated opinion of his/her own worth. Such one views himself/herself as superior and judges those who are different as being inferior. Most cultural groups feel that their way of life, food, dress, habits, and so forth are superior to those of other groups. This can be a flawed way of reasoning because no one group has a monopoly on all qualities and abilities.

Instead of forming negative conclusions about a person, one can have a realistic view of oneself and remain aware of one’s own failings. Others can be strong in areas where one is weak. By overcoming prejudice, one may discover things to admire in people who are different racially and culturally.

One reason some criticize others quickly is that, they avoid looking at their own faults. To build up one’s ego, a person tears down others. Hence, one feels superior.

Self is right, no matter what the circumstances, for an egoist. Many seek to ‘save face’ by concealing one’s defeat, or loss of prestige, by some pretence. Face saving is rooted in emotion, not principle and it often causes its victim to withdraw into self and shun those who could really help in that hour of need.

An egotistical person is proud and refuses to face an issue and denies the need for correction. Rather, such ones protest and get others involve emotionally in a dispute. They lose strength in the long run and become shallow. Cooperating with those who have greater abilities helps in curbing the ego and enhancing one’s own skills.

Peace is worth more than personal pride. If someone tries to compete with us, we can be in control of the situation and not allow ourselves to be drawn into competition by not over reacting. These small acts that promote peace are like the small stitches that hold a garment together.

An egoist can become stubborn, always insisting on his own way or protecting his own position and authority. There is nothing wrong in openly expressing a good idea. But peace cannot be maintained if one is not open to any agreement.

Driven by a desire for prominence rather than by a desire to do good work, some become disgruntled when they do not get their own way. With a sound mind, one can do an honest self-examination to find out what refinements one can make in one’s personality or way of handling things. Instead of becoming bitter, one can focus on doing the best rather than just be guided by self-interest.

Politeness costs’ nothing but is worth everything. It is often timely words that are befitting. A beautiful behaviour is better than a beautiful form, it gives greater pleasure than pictures and statues. It is the finest of fine arts. To be thoughtful of others, to give attention to their feelings, is the essence of politeness and the complete opposite of egotism.

Maintaining balance in relationships is a must. Most seek associates on the basis of what they can do to enhance one’s prestige and image. Or sometimes, the attitude is to use others, to ensnare or tread on them before others can do the same to them. This selfish attitude of thinking too much of oneself, creates unpleasant relations. An over confident individual may gain temporary benefits by being forceful or manipulative. Yet, in time he /she is exposed, humbled, even humiliated.

It is much easier to talk about caring for others and not being an egoist. It is different from what one sees being practised in reality. How important it is, that we constantly search within ourselves and suppress unhealthy pride! That would be the most refreshing attitude of the mind.


Rekha Kumar, The writer is a work-life balance and leadership skills facilitator

[email protected]

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