Saturday, July, 27,2024

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UDH: What secrets does Hairmohan Meena hold?

Jaipur: Harimohan Meena, the babu in UDH whose name has come up in the Udaipur bribe case, has an interesting story. Serving as the Assistant Section Officer in UDH, Meena is an employee of the Secretariat Service. Meena has been posted in the UDH for the past thirteen years and files of lands worth crores of rupees, belonging to JDA and UIT, is handled by him. The officials of Secretariat Service also get transferred on regular basis by the DoP from one department to another. But Harimohan Meena has not been transferred even once in the past thirteen years. And thus, this ‘junior’ babu, who has served in just one section since, has a mastery in getting a file marked as ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ in the initial stage. Word is that the file related to the Udaipur bribe case was also ‘dealt’ by this official. It can be questioned as to why hasn’t Meena transferred and how did he become successful in staying put at one place. It is also being said that DoP may release his promotion order of section officer, from assistant section officer anytime. But even after promotion, his ‘chair’ will be in the UDh department and in the same section, such is the belief of secretariat employees. Interestingly, according to sources, the ACB would have arrested Harimohan Meena on May 8th, but due to a dramatic development, he was able to flee. On that day, ACB’s team reached the main gate of Secretariat at 5 PM and the officials called Harimohan while posing as a villager and called him to the main gate. As soon as he reached, he was nabbed and his mobile was sought. As he handed the mobile, Harimohan told the team ‘ I am coming back’, and went inside the Secretariat.

After a while, he returned with a few leaders of the employees union. These leaders demanded a receipt of Harimohan’s mobile phone from ACB officials and after receiving the receipt, the employee union leaders engaged in a heated argument, got him freed from ACB sleuths and took him back into the Secretariat.

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