Monday, June, 17,2024

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Transport commissioner upset with performance of DTOs, RTOs

Jaipur: Transport Commissioner KL Swamy expressed deep displeasure with the performance of RTOs and DTOs in a review meeting on Monday.

When Swamy was taking the meeting through video conference, Alwar RTO Rani Jain was busy talking to someone nearby which irked the commissioner.

He objected and said that she was not taking the meeting seriously.

The commissioner also expressed strong displeasure for sending Alwar DTO to the road safety meeting and asked why the DTO was sent for the meeting even when prior information of the meeting was given.

In the meeting, Swamy said that the performance of the officers in the months of May and June was not satisfactory. He said that the officers have not taken the field work seriously.

There were several officers who attended the meeting without preparation. DTOs of Nagaur, Banswara, and Dungarpur could not answer the questions of the commissioner.

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