Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Three big corporate houses eyeing Raj cement industry

Jaipur: Ambuja group has about Rs 50 thousand crore in its investment pocket for cement in Rajasthan whereas Dalmia’s investment capacity is Rs 30 thousand crores and JK’s investment pocket is Rs 20 thousand crores.

Dalmia already has 3 blocks in Jaisalmer, Chittorgarh and Jhunjhunu now the group has its eyes on 2 blocks of Jaisalmer and all 51 blocks of Nagaur. The company had submitted bids for all 53 blocks.

Dalmia alone had bid on 36 blocks but 42 blocks were cancelled due to single and double bids. Second round of the auction process will start soon and Dalmia will again bid for all the blocks. JK Cement also prepared a pocket of Rs 10 thousand crores for investment in the cement industry in Rajasthan.

The company had bid for 13 limestone blocks. Notably, the Ambuja group has already acquired 20 limestone blocks in Rajasthan. Now they are keeping an eye on the remaining blocks, so they can aquire them as well.

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