Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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SOG nabs 2 trainee SIs, woman commander in paper-leak case

Jaipur: In a significant development in the SI exam Paper-leak case, the SOG team on Saturday arrested three trainee SIs from the Rajasthan Police Academy (RPA) in Jaipur and the training centre in Mandore, Jodhpur. Among them is a woman platoon commander. All of them will be brought to the SOG office.

The three suspects allegedly made proxy candidates sit in their place and leaked papers on WhatsApp.

ADG SOG VK Singh informed the media that two SIs have been arrested from Jaipur RPA and along with them, RAC platoon commander Prabha Vishnoi from Rajasthan Police Training Centre located in Mandore, Jodhpur have also been arrested for further questioning.

Prabha Vishnoi has been taken to SOG headquarters in Jaipur for further questioning. After presenting the challan in the paper leak case, SOG is now searching for the mastermind. Earlier, SOG had announced a reward on 12 wanted accused.

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