Sunday, June, 30,2024

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Service rules go awry as officer serves 12-yr deputation!

Jaipur: On May 6, Chief Secretary Sudhansh Pant conducted a surprise inspection of Sahkar Bhawan, during which he also visited the office of the SCST Finance & Development Corporation. Pant was so dissatisfied with the performance of the Corporation’s Joint Director (Plan), Sheesh Ram Chawla, that he directed the Planning Department to relieve him from his position. However, despite these instructions, Chawla, who had come on deputation, remains in his role. In contrast, Senior Accounts Officer Bharti Harjwani, who had been addressing irregularities within the Corporation, was relieved on June 10. This situation has raised significant concerns and questions about the Corporation’s administration.

The Finance Department had appointed a Senior Accounts Officer to the Corporation for the first time. The General Manager (GM) position in the Corporation is intended for an RAS officer. Despite this, the Department of Personnel (DoP) has not assigned an RAS officer to this role for the past twelve years. Instead, Sheesh Ram Chawla, who has been with the Corporation on deputation from the Planning Department since 2012, has been handling the additional charge of GM. Initially deputed for three years, Chawla has received four extensions and continues to serve in the Corporation, effectively controlling all financial activities.

On April 26, 2024, the Corporation’s Managing Director, Mamta Rao (RAS officer from the 2009 batch), issued an order granting all financial powers to Chawla. Consequently, Chawla now has complete control over the Corporation’s financial activities. Mamta Rao, who was promoted from Tehsildar to RAS, was appointed Managing Director of the Corporation in February 2024.

The SC-ST Finance & Development Corporation disburses loans worth crores of rupees, with funds regularly released by the Central government. Until recently, a junior officer at the Accounts Officer level represented the Finance Department in the Corporation. When Senior Accounts Officer Bharti Harjwani was appointed, she began curbing irregularities, leading to conflicts with Chawla. Subsequently, Harjwani was hastily relieved from her duties on June 10 and is now on APO (Awaiting Posting Orders).

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