Saturday, June, 22,2024

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Schemes, work of previous govt should not stop: Sandeep Verma

Jaipur: PWD Additional Chief Secretary Sandeep Verma held a four-hour marathon meeting at the headquarters on Friday where he informed the official about the government’s plan and said that quality should not be compromised in work and negligence would not be tolerated. He reviewed the functioning of the department along with projects.

Verma said that schemes will continue as per the requirement after getting approval from the CM & Dy CM. “The work of road schemes related to the public will not be stopped,” he said.

Usually, when there is a change of govt in the state, the schemes of the previous governments are either stopped or face financial issues. “The CM had prepared a 100-day action plan for all the departments and issued orders for their immediate implementation. Public related schemes should be continued,” he said.

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