Saturday, July, 27,2024

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RAS’ WA forward on Brahmins erupts row

Jaipur: An RAS officer posted a controversial message on the WhatsApp group of RAS officers in which objectionable remarks were made on Brahmins.

The message posted on Thursday night shocked other officers in the group, who reacted sharply and condemned the act and thought of the officer. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Kesar Lal Meena, who is posted as joint secretary in the industries department, tendered his apology and left the group.

The message of 574 words had objectionable contents for lord Krishna, Vishnu and goddess Sita and others. In the message, Hanumanji was written as a monkey and even the deities have been called rapists.

Several officers in the group kept on reacting strongly against the message for 20 minutes. While reminding of the Constitution, some even advised not to behave like this. Meena deleted the message and wrote, ‘Sorry, it was forwarded by mistake’ and left the group. Meanwhile, Brahmin organizations reached Shastri Nagar PS and demanded action for hurting religious sentiments.

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