Thursday, June, 20,2024

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Praveen Gupta likely to take on new responsibilities

Jaipur: Significant bureaucratic changes are anticipated following the declaration of Lok Sabha election results on June 4. Within administrative circles, there’s a prevailing assumption that a major change is imminent at higher levels. However, the specifics of other changes remain uncertain at this time, except for the imminent replacement of the Chief Electoral Officer.

Praveen Gupta, an IAS officer of 1995 batch, has held the position since July 2020, marking a nearly four-year tenure— a notable achievement in the past two decades. Notably, his predecessors had shorter tenures, with Sangeeta Gairola serving for two years and one month, Vinod Zutshi for 2 years and 7 months, Ashok Jain for 3 years, Govind Sharma for one year and 9 months, Ashvani Bhagat for one year and 9 months, and Anand Kumar for 2 years and 10 months.

Praveen Gupta’s exemplary four-year stint has been remarkable, overseeing both Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha elections successfully and peacefully. Managing 200 Vidhan Sabhas and 25 Lok Sabhas, he displayed exceptional administrative abilities, diligence, and efficiency, all accomplished singlehandedly.

According to the system, he should have had a full team of 2 IAS and 4 RAS officers under him for the elections but this was not available to him. Despite this, Praveen Gupta performed the entire responsibility very well and single-handedly.

There’s speculation within administrative circles about the new responsibilities awaiting Praveen Gupta in the Bhajanlal government.

Informed sources reveal that the Department of Personnel (DoP) has submitted a panel of three names to the Election Commission for Praveen Gupta’s successor. These include Principal Secretary level IAS officers from 1995, 1997, and 1998 batches with one posed outside the secretariat and two holding departmental charges.

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