Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Official OK’s approvals worth crores without holding Dir post at Gopalan Dept for 9 mths

Jaipur: In a surprising matter, an official continued working as the Director of Gaupalan Department without the posting order for nine months. During this, he issued administrative and financial approvals worth crores of rupees.

Later the Department of Personnel (DoP) issued a post facto approval order. Interestingly, he is still working post-retirement.

Dr Lal Singh, who was the Additional Director in the Gaupalan Department, started working as the Director after the post fell vacant due to the transfer of Khajan Singh in July 2021. In the transfer list, no official was made the new director of the Gaupalan Department.

Khajan Singh handed over the charge to Additional Director Dr Lal Singh on July 28, 2021.
After this, Singh issued an order on August 12, 2021 saying that he had taken over the post of Director in compliance with State Government order number 4/2021 whereas the order did not mention anything about giving him charge of the director.

He further wrote that all letters should be sent to him by name. By this, he became the director of the department without any valid order.

Sources said that Singh continued working as Director without any order. However, he realised that he might get into trouble if any inquiry is ordered therefore he started managing posting orders for him.

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