Sunday, June, 23,2024

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New Raj govt transfers 72 IAS and 121 RAS officers

Jaipur: After the formation of CM Bhajan Lal Sharma’s government, the first major transfer list of 72 IAS and 121 RAS officers was released late on Friday night. The government has changed the picture of district administration in two-thirds of districts by changing 33 district collectors, 32 ADMs and 82 SDMs. Now transfer list of Govt Secy and senior IAS officers is expected to come soon. In the recent reshuffle, Churu Collector Siddharth Sihag has been made Special Secretary to CM, while Ashish Modi has been made Director of Secondary Education and Sita Ram Jat has been made Director of Elementary Education Dept. Rukmani Riar has been made JMC Greater Commissioner and Abhishek Surana has been made JMC Heritage Commissioner.

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