Sunday, June, 30,2024

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Modi’s aggressive campaign leads NDA to secure majority

Jaipur: During the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on an extensive campaign, conducting rallies and roadshows across 24 states and union territories over a period of two months. Out of a total of 206 election programs, including 181 rallies, Modi’s speeches stirred controversy but proved effective in securing victories for BJP and NDA candidates. Analysis revealed that without Modi’s aggressive campaigning, the NDA might not have achieved a majority. Half of the seats Modi campaigned for were won by BJP or its alliance partners.

Modi’s Impact from North to South

While the BJP fell short of a majority, one-third of its candidates secured over 50% of the votes. Modi held 89 rallies or roadshows in North India, compared to Rahul Gandhi’s 38, with Modi’s success rate doubling. In Uttar Pradesh, Modi’s success rate in seats he campaigned for was about 57%, while Rahul Gandhi’s was approximately 50%.

BJP’s Success Across Regions

In South India, Modi’s success rate in rallies doubled that of Rahul Gandhi’s. Similar trends were observed in Eastern, Western, and Northeast India, where Modi’s rallies outperformed those of Rahul Gandhi.

BJP’s Performance in Assembly Elections

During the simultaneous assembly elections, BJP or its allies formed governments in Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha, Sikkim, and Andhra Pradesh. Modi’s campaign notably influenced voters in Odisha. The analysis highlights the significant impact of Modi’s campaigning strategy on the electoral outcomes.

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