Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Jhalana world’s most densely populated leopard reserve

Jaipur: Jhalana Leopard Reserve has become mini Ranthambore. There are about 76 tigers in Ranthambore spread over an area of 392 square kilometres while there are 45 leopards in the Jhalana in about 20 square kilometres.

In terms of numbers, Jhalana has the highest density of leopards in the world. There are more than 90 per cent chances of leopard sightings here. Because of this, there are no rooms available in Jhalana Leopard Reserve until April 31.

There are almost 2 leopards for every square kilometer. For this reason, tourists are almost always assured of sighting at least one leopard, although the average tourist generally spots more of them on a good day.

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